Am I Still A Mother?
I lost my only son
Am I still a mother?
He lived for four months
And one day.
Life was so empty without
him, almost unbearable
It didn't matter if I got up
or stayed in bed.
No one needed me now
or did they?
I didn't care if my house
was clean or dirty.
No one would want to
visit me now-
Without my precious
baby boy there.
Am I still a mother?
Yes! I am...
Written By: Beth Leathers
Christopher's Mommy
On: Wednesday, April 02, 1997

Life and Death....
E...nergetic Than
R...emember The
E...very Time We
St. Patrick's Day
The Day You Left
And Became An
Written on the fourth anniversary
of Christopher Lee Leathers' Death.
March 17, 1997

Mother's Day...
Mother's Day is both
happy and sad for me
My first three Mother's days
were spent alone--
No children at home...
Both of my children had
gone on to heaven
The first never getting the
chance to be born
*Angel Ashley Renee*
The second child, my son
was born but died way
Too young: four months
and one day old
*Angel Christopher Lee*
I can remember the emptiness
my heart felt and how much
My arms ached to hold
and cuddle my two lost
Angels on Mother's Day...
My last two Mother's Days
have been easier for me, for
Now I have a daughter
to hold and cuddle
That day...
I will never forget my
two precious angels;
They know their mommy loves them
and remembers them always
Especially on Mother's Day...
Written By: Beth Leathers
On: April 26, 1997
Mommy to: Ashley Renee Leathers ~ M/C August, 1991
Christopher Lee Leathers, SIDS 11/16/92 - 3/17/93
Stephanie Nicole Leathers, Born on 4/5/95
& Ronald Zackary Leathers, Born on 8/21/99

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All graphics © 1998-2001
by BethAnne
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