We went to my dad's house after leaving the hospital, I
just didn't want to go back to our apartment. I ended up staying there for about 2 or
3 weeks after his death, I just didn't have the strength or the courage to go back. I
don't think I would have been able to get though the funeral planning or the funeral
without my dad. I was so thankful, I wasn't able to make the neccesary decisions
so my dad helped us with planning Christopher's funeral. Our son's funeral was held
on Friday, March 19, 1993. It was cold that day, and snow was on the ground
but it did not snow as it was forcasted to that day.
He was put to rest in the same grave site as my brother, and his uncle,
Eric Jason. His grave stone has a small lamb on it and we've put
an angel statue up there as well. We don't visit his grave as often as we
did in the beginning when he first died. When we do visit his grave we always take
4 red roses and one white carnation to symbolize the four months and one day we were
blessed to hold him in our arms. Either of us would have given our lives to get one more
day to hold our son. Our only comfort is that one day in heaven we will see him again...
Since Christopher had been our only child at the time, I often wondered,
Was I still a mother? Christopher was our whole life, and he was very precious to
us. Yes, I was still a mother and will always be... Christopher will forever be our
little angel....

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