The moment I found out I was pregnant,
I was so happy. The year before I'd had a miscarriage, and now we were
finally going to have the baby we wanted.
I found at I was pregnant first by taking a home test then, I went to the
doctor's just to double check. I was almost 5 months pregnant before we
found out, because right up til then
everything was normal and there were no indictions of me being pregnant til I
began feeling a lil kick. After leaving the doctor's office that afternoon,
I told my husband who immediately
called his whole family to tell them (my hubby comes from a very large family).
At this time I was almost 20 and my husband was 21. I was debating at this
time on if I would go back to
school or not, and I wanted to be a stay at home mom, so my decision was made.
I would stay home. The pregnancy was considered high risk because I had
high blood pressure, and I was monitored
quite a bit in the last few months. The pregnancy seem to fly by, but I think
it was mostly because I didn't find out til I was five months along. Other
than having high blood pressure, the
pregnancy seem to move along smoothly. I had three ultrasounds and choose not
to know the baby's sex, I wanted it to be a suprise. One week before his due
date (November 24, 1992) my blood pressure spiked higher
then the doctor liked and he sent me to the hospital to be induced on Monday,
November 16, 1992 at 11 am in the morning. I was induced and they broke my
water around 4 pm that evening. My mom
and husband were there with me during labor and my stepdad and dad were in and
out just before, I almost broke my stepdad's fingers *grin*. During labor they
thought they lost the heartbeat of my
baby which was scary, then when he was born the cord was wrapped around his
neck. My mom about passed out, her first born son died because the cord was
wrapped around his neck (My brother, Eric Jason).
Once the cord was removed, he cried and was given a very positive apgar score.
He even kicked the clipboard of his incubator *smiles*.
Our son was born at 9:14 pm on Monday, November 16, 1992.
We were so happy, here we had a perfect, healthy, beautiful,
precious baby boy who was our dream come true. Our lil bundle of joy...

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